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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Brow Lift

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October 07, 2014

As we age, muscles in the brow and forehead area may becomes thinner and less elastic and the structures supporting it to the facial skeleton become weaker and less able to resist the pull of gravity. One of the earliest signs of aging occurs in the forehead and eyebrow area.
Facial ageing is a gradual process causing the appearance of heavy eyelids and looking tired, when in reality one may not be! Female patients find this most troubling, as there is dropping of the eyebrows and wrinkling of the skin (frown lines, crow's feet, horizontal forehead lines, etc).

Drooping of the eyebrows can also lead to excessive eyebrow skin accumulating in the upper eyelid.This is a result of the constant use of the muscles in the forehead for facial expression.

The term "brow lift" is used to surgical procedure that can dramatically improve a tired or sad look above the upper eyelid and eyebrow region. It is a series of procedures that are used to; improve the position and shape of the eye brows, reduce frown lines, crow’s feet and forehead wrinkles. It is an important eyelid surgery that successfully treated the affected areas.

Brow lift surgery can be performed alone or along with a facelift and/or eyelid corrective surgery. The brow lift surgery also plays an important role in eyelid surgery, as the upper eyelids cannot successfully treat until the brow lift has been completed.

Several techniques are used including placing the incisions within the scalp; a patient was literally scalped as an incision was placed from ear to ear to elevate the forehead and brow.

Forehead wrinkling has been a commonly treated aesthetic ailment with the growing use of BOTOX® and other neuromuscular paralyzing agents.

A brow lift is commonly performed on patients in the 40 to 60 range, helping to minimize the visible signs of aging.

Types of Brow Lift:

There are several techniques to lift the brow. These can be non-surgically (such as thermage) or full surgical correction with the coronal brow lift.

1. Endoscopic Brow Lift

Brow lift can also be done with an endoscope using "smallest" enveloping surgery. During this procedure a 1 cm thick contact lens is placed over the eye to protect the eyeball. An incision is placed on the inside of the lower eyelid. Reason to place a thick contact lens is to avoid the risk of any misfortune to the eye. Surgery is then continued over the cheek bone.

The entire cheek mid-face area is then elevated, and reattached to the corner of the eye, onto the bone. As a result of this procedure, the cheek is lifted in a natural form, and the cheek fat filling makes you feel and look young.

This is an outpatient surgery or can be performed in a hospital also. This procedure takes almost 80 to 90 minutes. After the completion of this surgery ice packs placed over the lower eyelids and cheek of the patient. Bruising and swelling can be expected for up to one week.

2. Temporal Brow Lift

Temporal brow lift procedure is for those patients who find wrinkles at the corners of the eye (crow’s feet) as lifting the temporal brow will flatten the wrinkles as the skin and muscle are placed on stretch during the elevation.

In temporal brow lift procedure two incisions are made of approximately 10 millimeters in a horizontal way parallel to and 1 centimeter behind, the hairline in the temple. An incision is carried deep to temporal fascia, a thickened band that separates the muscle in the temple from the skin.

With the help of specially designed instruments the temporal forehead is then elevated. This procedure can be performed in an office or as in outpatient surgery. This surgery will take almost 40 to 45 minutes. Bruising and swelling can lasts only for 3 or 4 days.

3. Internal Brow Lift

This procedure is used to remove the unwanted excessive upper eyelid skin. In this process an incision is made in the upper eyelid. Careful elevation of the upper eyelid muscle allows accessing the tissue underneath the central and temporal eyebrow.

Then it is unnoticeably closed with absorbable surgical seam which dissolve in 3-5 days. This procedure can be performed in the office or as an ambulatory procedure in an outpatient surgical facility, often combined with an upper eyelid Blepharoplasty.

After 30 minutes of surgery ice packs will placed on eyebrows and should expect to have bruising and swelling for 4-6 days.

Brow Lift Procedure

Brow lift are divided into ‘open’ and ‘closed’ types. Each type has specific indications for its use and many variations on how they should be performed have been described. A less common indication is in the treatment of an excessively long appearing forehead due to a high hairline. The internal steps are essentially the same regardless of the type of operation selected, open or closed.

Closed, or endoscopic, brow lifting uses telescopes to access the forehead from small incisions in the scalp. It is best for those people who have a normal (or short) forehead length and for males with a family history of male pattern baldness. Minimal to no scalp tissue is removed.

In an open type or traditional, brow lifting uses a longer cut in the scalp or at the hairline and removes some scalp or forehead tissue. It is particularly good for patients with "high" foreheads.

Brow Lift Recovery

Most of the patients can go home on the same day of the surgery and for the next 4 to 72 hours you do as little work as possible. Here are some Do’s and Don’ts:

• Apply the cooling packs on a regular basis during this time.
• Keep your head elevated and not to lay flat.
• Avoid reading and watching TV during this period, as there is a degree of visual blurring.
• Do not perform the activity that raises your blood pressure or pulse at least for 72 hours.

Your stitches will be removed after 7 to 10 days. Most of the people apply a little make up to disguise any residual bruising which may be present.

Brow Lift Complications

• Bleeding usually occurs within the first 24-48 hours of the procedure and may require a return to the   operating room.
• Infection surgical incisions, even though created in ideal circumstances, can become infected.When appropriate, antibiotics will be prescribed to lower this risk.
• Hair loss there can be a degree of hair loss around the incisions. Although usually transient, it can be permanent.
• Numbness of the scalp this is more likely to occur with behind the incisions. This is more likely with the open procedure.
• Prolonged swelling.
• Asymmetry or unevenness

Brow Lift Cost

As a guideline brow lifts are priced from $11,000 but the cost can vary according to the patients and their problems like the types of the procedure used, the complexity of their case and medical history.

Brow Lift Before And After

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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Christina Aguilera Skin Care

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May 20, 2014

Christina Aguilera happy in her skin
Christina Aguilera happy in her skin

Singer and actor Christina Aguilera skins bebo, hot skins bebo, music skins bebo. Favorite and bebo of all is in love with her skin after getting thicker too.'My boyfriend loves my body and so do I': Christina Aguilera reveals she is comfortable in her own skin.Her figure has changed considerably over the years particularly after giving birth to her son.

Christina Aguilera Before After weight gain
Christina Aguilera Before weight gain

Christina explained: 'I have a boyfriend that loves my body. I love my body, my son is healthy and happy and that is all that matters.' and her boyfriend is also crazy for her curves.

'Women, we are definitely under a microscope and under massive scrutiny. As long as I am happy in my own skin, that is all that is all the confirmation I need.'

The Beauty Products she Can’t Live Without "Dior Creme Abricot Fortifying Cream for Nails". After all there is something which takes care of her skin.

Christina Aguilera Thicker
Christina Aguilera Thicker

Fans and critics in the cyber world aren't the only ones who've been slamming Aguilera for her fluctuating weight. In August, Kelly Osbourne had some choice words for the star on an episode of E!'s Fashion Police.

"Maybe she is just becoming the fat bitch she was born to be," Osbourne, 27, chimed in after Joan Rivers criticized the singer for a too-tight outfit. "I don't know. She was a c**t to me. She called me fat for so many f***ing years. So you know what? F**k you! You're fat too."

Christina Aguilera doesn't care what people say about her weight because both she and her boyfriend, Matt Rutler, are happy with her look.

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Skin Microdermabrasion

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May 20, 2014

Skin Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion is a cosmetic technique that uses a mechanical medium for exfoliation to remove the outermost layer of dead skin cells from the epidermis. It is a non-invasive procedure and may be performed in-office by a trained skin care professional. It may also be performed at home using a variety of products which are designed to mechanically exfoliate the skin. Many salon machines and home-use machines use adjustable suction to improve the efficacy of the abrasion tool. Recently cosmetic scrub products that contain fine grit made from the pits of various fruits and from other materials are using the term microdermabrasion in their marketing.

Dermabrasion is generally used to refer to a surgical procedure that abrades away the top layers of the skin. The term microdermabrasion generally refers to a non-surgical procedure that abrades less deeply than dermabrasion. Although the mechanism of the two procedures is similar, the difference in the depth of the abrasion results in different recovery times. Dermabrasion recovery time may take as much as several weeks to several months whereas microdermabrasion recovery time may be as little as one to two days.

Skin Microdermabrasion before and after
Skin Microdermabrasion Before and After

Microdermabrasion may be performed to decrease the appearance of superficial hyperpigmentation, and photo-damage, as well as diminish fine lines, wrinkles, and shallow acne scars. Removing the dead skin will aid in the penetration of skin care products by up to 50% and make-up will go on much more smoothly.

The first microdermabrasion unit was developed in Italy in 1985, using small inert aluminium oxide crystals to abrade the skin. In 1986, other European markets had introduced the technology, which was immediately adopted by physicians for mechanical exfoliation. There were 10 microdermabrasion units on the market in Europe by the end of 1992. In 1996,Mattioli Engineering partnered with one of the Italian designed machines and started working towards meeting FDA requirements for the USA. By the end of 1996, the FDA issued the first approval letter for microdermabrasion machines. In January 1997, the first microderm machine was being sold and marketed in the US. The diamond tip was introduced in 1999 and the bristle tip was introduced in 2005.

Skin Microdermabrasion
Skin Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion has evolved from rocks, stones and shells to crystals, particle-free diamond tips and particle-free bristle tips. Once the desired amount of exfoliation has been reached, some microdermabrasion units will then infuse a skin specific solution into the skin.

Microdermabrasion media 

Aluminium oxide crystals: 100 micrometres; aluminium oxide is relatively chemically inert and generally recognized as safe.

Sodium bicarbonate and sodium chloride crystals.

Organic grains: used to buff and polish; made from trees, plants, agricultural crops, straw, reeds, maize, sunflower, cane sugar.

Diamond tips: can be natural but usually synthetic for lower costs; erythema (redness) is partially due to circulation rather than only irritation.

Bristle tips: bristles are pliable, so they move with the skin allowing for aggressive treatments without added irritation.

Source : wikipedia

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Skin Facial Products

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May 20, 2014

Skin Facial Products

My sister bought three bottle of fluid for whitening skin, each bottle of different phase 2-2 months each for six months. She started wearing every night, for first week it did't show any reaction after than her face skin started  to exfoliate not only a dead skin but also dark and regular and turn out to red.

Two month passed away and she finished first bottle and we can see her face was brightening in such a way that her face and neck skin was totally different so she used scarf to cover her neck more then a month.

Skin Facial Products

Skin Facial Products

Sorry i do't wanna tell the name of the chemical it was not a product, I just wanna tell you that there are lots of product on the market. If you search in internet Skin Facial Products you will find many many list of the products. That mean we all are surrounded by products.

It's all depend up on us what we select. Best way to select product is to console with specialist. Do't use chemical and damage your skin.

Try natural process, like herbs , egg , milk.

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Skin Facial Treatments

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May 20, 2014

Skin Facial Treatments

When you search the dictionary meaning of Treatment: " The act, manner, or method of handling or dealing with someone or something." Can be found.

Skin Facial Treatments

Treatment can be done before as well after, for example when you use sun block, winter cream which are term as before. After skin is damage if you use treatment than it's called after. Is and every things are followed by treatment so it does not matter which way you use treatment but it matter how you use treatment.

Skin Facial Treatments

There are many process regarding before and after. Like Spa, Natural oil process or Products.

From head to toe were are covered by skin and our skin are more sensitive then other living being so Skin Facial Treatments are required to maintain Skin Health.

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Japanese skin care secrets

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May 20, 2014

Japanese skin care secrets
Human body is made of a elements , as we know that ? It's naturally build up. If you go agents the nature, you  know the results ( DISASTER ) .

What you think , why is your skin worse ? Is that your blood or skin tone , Why is your skin damage ? These are the questions which circle around when you forget to take care of your skin. There is only one thing which can recover your skin and make it healthy and that is nature , i think you got a hint , bingo Water .

So what you think Japanese modern or ancient Secrets can change your skin pigment  and other. Sorry if i'm wrong , I say No.

If believe your self that's the beauty . You can change the whole thing .

This video can Help . It's all about Japanese Ancient Secret for skin care :

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The Oil Cleansing Method

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May 20, 2014

what if i mix with soybean oil?

In most of the youtube videos i found this question, So just wanna write on this.

I don't know how good is to mix oil and clean a skin , As a skin is a very sensitive part of our body. If we think in other way " iron cuts iron " oil may cut oily skin.

But Every things has a limitations , before using OCM please check oil detail although it came from nature it is manufacture.

Different people have different skin type , even in oily skin you will find various type , so i suggest not to experiment you skin . Make sure before you use.

Go through youtube and google to find more about your skin type or just keep on browsing where you can find related articles .

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Chinese Skin Care

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May 20, 2014

A simple Chinese Skin Care , Which makes you how precious is your skin . If u don't take a good care of skin it gonna be like a dry wood cover which is so hard and difficult to recover to original.

Here a quick Tips which are bad for Skin

Too much spicy, barbecued, deep fried, or greasy food.
Too much shellfish such as crabs, clams, mussels, oysters, etc.
Not enough sleep, or going to bed too late.
Not enough rest causing an overactive liver.
Toxins in blood due to unhealthy eating or environment.
Not enough fluid consumed everyday.
Not eating the right kind of food such as vegetables and fruits to nourish or moisturize the skin.

See This Video You will get more Idea:

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Does your period effect your skin complexion?

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May 20, 2014

Monthly hormone surges stimulate sebaceous glands to secrete oil and can wreak havoc on your skin.

Your cycle starts on the first day of your period and lasts anywhere from 21-40 days. Ovulation (when an egg is released, awaiting fertilization) occurs on or around day 14 of your cycle. In the first week after your period, estrogen increases, keeping skin clear (this hormone helps keep oil glands in check). But once ovulation occurs, your blemish potential increases, peaking in the days before your period. The result: oily skin and breakouts.

period effect skin

Clues that your complexion problems may be hormonal:

- You usually get breakouts the week before your period concentrated on the jaw line, chin and neck.

- Your skin is more sensitive during the fourth week of your cycle. Skip waxing and facials now.

- You have irregular periods and/or excess hair on the face or body in addition to acne. You may have a hormonal disorder and should consult your doctor. Polycystic ovary syndrome, a
treatable condition affecting 4-6 percent of American women, could be to blame.

period effect skin

You don’t have to buy lots of products which costs you more. Normal products can be used like Ponds/Nutrigena/etc. Never leave your makeup-on at night. Use a non-drying toner for freshly washed face.Drink more glasses of water, and have less sweet.

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Acne Treatment Information: Accutane Side Effects and Patient Information

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May 20, 2014

Accutane is a medication used for the treatment of severe cases of acne, especially those linked to permanent and disfiguring scarring such as acne vulgaris, acne conglobata and acne fulminans.

This drug is related to vitamin A, which makes it classified as a retinoid. Most dermatologists and physicians prescribe Accutane for management of acne. Since there are high risks for developing side effects, it is often not used as the first course of treatment. Deep facial cleansers and topical creams are usually the first round of treatments patients will receive.

Physicians have also utilized the drug to treat Harlequin-type-ichthyosis, a rare condition that causes the skin to present plating as thick as armor after birth. Accutane has also been used sparsely to treat certain types of cancers including pancreatic and brain cancer. However, the drug may work throughout the body in killing cells not related to cancers.

The typical dose for a patient taking Accutane is in the form of a pill. The dosage is normally split into two times daily regimen and be taken with a meal. The round of medication lasts between 15 and 20 weeks and physicians recommend that Accutane not be given as a once-daily dose, as this may introduce too much into the body at once.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) mandates a Black Box warning on all isortetinoin products, including Accutane. This warning provides the potential hazards and side effects that could affect patients who take the drug.

Side Effects

Side effects of Accutane include: Acne flare ups, severe dry skin on body, hair thinning, headache, eczema, fatigue, brittle nails, menstrual problems, gastrointestinal problems, including diarrhea. Some severe side effects which can occur to patients who consistently take Accutane may include: severe depression, suicidal thoughts, birth defects, liver damage, intense nausea and allergic reactions.

Patients with a sensitivity or allergy to paraben should avoid this drug. Accutane should only be taken if prescribed by a doctor and should be taken only in the recommended dosage. Blood and liver tests may be requested while a patient is using Accutane to ensure the body is not responding negatively to the medication.

Patients with a family history of depression are discouraged from taking Accutane, as the risk for depression can be worsened. Certain conditions may warrant an adjustment in the suggested dosage of Accutane for some patients. Accutane should also not be used by women who are pregnant or may become pregnant, as birth defects are likely. Please be sure to speak or receive a checkup with a dermatologist prior to making a decision.

By providing FDA alerts, drug information and drug side effects about prescription and over the counter medications, we can ensure an environment where patients have the best knowledge on their medical treatment and health.

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Dry Skin Remedies For Your Shower

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May 20, 2014

Don’t cry for a dry skin it’s not a problem you'll always have to deal with. There are lots of daily routine that will make a big difference to the health of your skin. Here are 5 dry skin remedies for this winter and see how quickly your skin makes a turn around.

1. Water, make sure you check the temperature of the water. If you love hot water bath then it’s not a problem but how long you take bath is a problem. Hot water will strip the moisture and oils out of your skin, leaving it parched, dry and scaly. So don’t take hot water bath more then 15. Use warm water instead of hot water so u can stay longer in your bathroom. Hot water is going to make your hair frizzy and dry so rinse your hair in cool water.

2. Bubbles bath, oh I remember my childhood most of us grow along with bubble bath so it’s a kind of habit. But, did you know that many of the bubbles you put in your bath will leave your skin stripped of the oils your skin needs? Instead of using a bubble bath, find a soothing oatmeal or milk powder that will enhance your bath experience, and leave the oils where they belong. Also you could try is a bath oil. . A cap full of oil will leave your skin even more hydrated than before you hopped in so you may be able to skip the moisturizer.

dry skin care

3. Skip the Shaving MistakesYou probably have heard the age-old advice to shave in the direction of your hair growth for safe shaving. And while that's a nice thought, realistically most people shave in the opposite direction of hair growth to get the closest results. If you want the safest shave, go with your hair growth. If you just can't follow that rule, make sure you follow these shaving tips: Use a moisturizing shaving gel or cream. The $1 bottle at the drug store is likely to leave your skin dry and more susceptible to nicks.Look for a product that offers moisturizing components such as aloe and essential oils.Skip the ones that have alcohol listed in their top few ingredients.You can always use hair conditioner in a pinch for a close, nick-free shave.

4. Pat Dry, Don't Rub DryWhen you get out of the shower and grab your towel, gently pat the water off of your skin instead of rubbing your skin dry. This will save your skin the misery of "towel abuse" most men (and some women) hibitually inflict on their skin. By patting dry (or gently rubbing), your skin will be able to retain more of the moisture you're going to seal in with our next step: body moisturizer.

5. Never Ever Skip the MoisturizerThe very most important step to remember is to moisturize every single time you get out of the shower or bath. It is never OK to skip, so find a favorite lotion, butter or oil and keep it in your bathroom. When you skin has been dried off, it's important to seal in the moisture from the shower, and the quicker you do this after your shower, the better your skin will look and feel. And if you moisturizer of choice is a body oil, it's actually best to apply it to damp skin. Make sure you are careful for drops that might spill, oil will make your tub or floor very slippery.

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Skin vs Plastic Surgery

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May 20, 2014

Bad plastic surgery happens when someone feels pressure to look good and they have more money than brains. Which pretty much describes the majority of celebrities out there.

Some of the following don’t quite look like human beings anymore, which would be tragic (this is voluntary! they didn’t have to look like this) if it weren’t so stupid. Most of these people were genetically blessed to begin with, which makes you wonder why they would risk their good looks just to hold off from aging a tiny bit longer. And many of the younger celebs on this list have absolutely no excuse at all, as good diet, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle would have fixed most of any flaws they felt they had.

Here are the fifteen worst celebrity plastic surgery disasters we could dig up, some of which are pretty damn horrifying:

15: Tara Reid
Surgery botched: Boob Job and Stomach Lipo
Photographic Evidence:

Plastic Surgery gone bad of Tara Reid
Plastic Surgery gone bad of Tara Reid

Tara Reid’s stomach looks to be about forty years older than the rest of her.

14: Gary Busey
Surgery botched: Veneers
Photographic Evidence:

Plastic Surgery gone bad of Gary Busey

As the Awful Plastic Surgery site puts it, his teeth look like chiclets.

13: Lil Kim
Surgery botched: Boobs, face work, skin lightened
Photographic Evidence:


Lil Kim before after
After:Lil Kim before after

Lil Kim is headed down a path forged by Michael Jackson. Can’t wait to see what she looks like in twenty years.

12: Janet Jackson
Surgery botched: Breast Implants

Janet Jackson Breast Implants

Never good when you have a giant dent in your boob. Janet needs to head to an autobody shop pronto, get that dent pounded right out.

11: Jessica Simpson
Surgery botched: Lips
Photographic Evidence:Jessica Simpson lips plastic surgery

Luckily for Jessica not all bad plastic surgery is permanent. She talked about her lip enhancement, saying “I had that Restylane stuff … It looked fake to me. I didn’t like that. But… it went away in, like, four months. My lips are back to what they were. Thank God!”

10: Kenny Rogers
Surgery botched: Facelift
Photographic Evidence:plastic surgery gone bad of Kenny Rogers

Rogers is someone else who’s not thrilled about his surgery, telling People:

Last year I had so many lines coming in at the side of my eyes up here. So I went in and got my eyes done, and I’m not happy about it. (The surgeon) is going to go in and fix that for me. They’re too tight around the eyelids for me. It drives me crazy.

9: Tori Spelling
Surgery botched: Breast Implants
Photographic Evidence:

Tori Spelling Breast Implants
Not too often you see a “legit” (using that word a little loosely) actress get breast implants that look like giant beach balls, but Spelling was willing to buck the trend. The money probably could have been a little better spent elsewhere. I hear French doctors have made some real advancements with facial transplants.

8: Hilary Duff
Surgery botched: Veneers
Photographic Evidence:

Hilary Duff Veneers
Neeeeeeeeigh *snort*

7: Victoria Beckham
Surgery botched: Breast Implants
Photographic Evidence:

Victoria Beckham Breast Implants
Fittingly, it looks as if she’s had a couple of soccer balls implanted into her chest.

6: Donatella Versace
Surgery botched: Lips, facelift
Photographic Evidence:

Donatella Versace Lips, facelift
And now we are starting to get to the people who are losing all traces of humanity. Versace isn’t content to grow old in a graceful manner, instead making a mockery of herself.

5: Vivica Fox
Surgery botched: Breast Implants
Photographic Evidence:

Vivica Fox Breast Implants
Gotta agree with Perez Hilton on this one, that is pretty disgusting. Fox apparently shares a surgeon with Janet Jackson.

4: Melanie Griffith
Surgery botched: Face lift and god only knows what else
Photographic Evidence:

plastic surgery gone bad of Melanie Griffith
This definitely deserves a before shot, just in case you are forgetting how normal Melanie Griffith used to be:

Melanie Griffith Face lift
She’s only fifty years old, and she’s pretty much ruined her face. If I didn’t know it was her I would have honestly pegged the person in the first picture as a woman in her sixties.

3: Pete Burns
Surgery botched: Lips
Photographic Evidence:

3: Pete Burns Lips
If you’re wondering who Pete Burns is, don’t feel bad, he’s a fairly obscure singer (he’s the You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) guy), but his plastic surgery sins are definitely egregious enough to be included this highly on the list. Now granted part of what you’re seeing there is intentional (this is a guy who has accused Boy George of ripping off his image), but those lips are absolutely frightening. Burns agreed and actually filmed a special in the UK called Pete Burns’ Cosmetic Surgery Nightmares.

2: Jocelyn Wildenstein
Surgery botched: Everything she has attempted has apparently turned out terribly
Photographic Evidence:


Jocelyn Wildenstein before after
Jocelyn Wildenstein before after
This woman has spent $4 million on plastic surgery. I would want my money back.

Jocelyn is a wealthy socialite whose husband began cheating on her. To win him back she began undergoing plastic surgery to transform into a giant cat. Her husband likes big cats. Naturally.

Didn’t work however, and her husband said “She seems to think that you fix a face the same way you fix a house”.

1: Michael Jackson
Surgery botched: Skin lightening, nose jobs, face lifts, etc. etc. etc.
Photographic Evidence:

plastic surgery gone bad of Michael Jackson
Could it really have been anyone else? It’s incredible to forget how absolutely normal Michael Jackson looked back in the 70’s and 80’s (attractive even!) before turning into the sideshow freak that he is today. The guy is absolutely looney tunes so it’s kind of a shame that he was always able to find a doctor to do what he wanted. Everyone should have told him no after a certain point, which was probably in about 1985.

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Salma Hayek coming soon with skincare line

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May 20, 2014

Selma Hayek while talking to some media has announced she will be creating her own anti-aging skincare line that will be sold in drugstores near in future.She is inspired by her late Grandmother, Maria Luisa, for which the line will be named after her.

salma hayek
And she says like this :

“I’m trying to develop a line with a drugstore so that it is affordable for everyone. We’ve researched for two to three years. My grandmother was a cosmetologist and she used to make her own creams, but my whole approach is how can we get the essence of the really expensive ones, but for everyone to be able to afford.”

“When she died at 96, of course her skin had sagged, but she didn”t have any wrinkles. She made her own creams using secret ingredients you can only find in Latin America.”

How worth will be the skincare line , lets see and wait to come.

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Skin care routine

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May 20, 2014

The first step to taking care of your skin is preventing damage. Sun, wind, pollutants and simply aging can degrade the condition of your skin. Common complaints include dry and itchy skin, wrinkles, sagging, color changes, and age spots. Fortunately there are steps that you can take to keep you skin looking and feeling its best. Here some of the symptoms of skin damage.

man skin care

Normal Skin: If you’ve never had problems with oily skin or dry skin, it’s likely that you have “normal” skin. The pores of normal skin are small and the overall skin tone is even. If you’ve never given a second thought to your skin before, your skin type is probably normal.

Oily Skin: As its name implies, oily skin is slightly to moderately greasy. If you have oily skin, your pores are medium to large in size and prone to blockage. You probably have problems with pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, and acne cysts. Oily skin is usually thicker and firmer than
normal skin and it’s less sensitive to environmental damage.

Dry Skin: Dry skin characteristically feels tight and itchy. Winter is especially rough on this skin type. Dry skin is usually thinner than normal skin and may even be slightly rough to the touch. If you have dry skin, you may have noticed that your skin is also easily irritated.

How to take care of your skin daily, here are some few ideas where you can find a daily routine for skin care.

A skin care routine doesn’t have to be elaborate in order to be effective. But you should develop some kind of skin care routine based on your skin type, daily activities, and nutritional needs so that you can be sure you are taking the very best care of your skin. Following a daily skin care regime will also allow you to more closely evaluate your skin for abnormalities. Here’s a simple routine that you can adapt to fit your needs:

Cleanse: Wash your skin thoroughly on a daily basis to remove the dirt, debris, pollutants, and perspiration that have accumulated. If you have dry or sensitive skin, use only warm water to wash your skin and use a mild natural cleanser every few days. If you have normal or oily skin, be sure to wash with a gentle cleanser on a daily basis. Be sure to brush your teeth before washing your face, as toothpaste residue can irritate sensitive facial skin.

Moisturize: Unless your skin is very oily, you will want to use a moisturizer everyday to keep your skin hydrated and healthy. Your skin needs moisturizer all year long as both the indoor winter heat, and summer sun can be equally damaging to your skin.

Protect: Use a natural sunscreen when possible, regardless of whether or not you plan on spending much time in the sun. The sun’s rays are very damaging and if you get in the habit of applying sunscreen everyday, you will never be left without protection. The sun’s most beneficial rays occur at sunrise and sunset.

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Will a beauty drink really give me glowing skin?

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May 20, 2014

“Beauty drinks can provide a hydrating boost, but there aren’t enough vitamins and antioxidants in them to make a visible difference in your skin,” says Carrie Wiatt, R.D., of Diet Designs, whose celebrity clients include Jennifer Aniston, Fergie, and Salma Hayek. As an alternative, Wiatt recommends taking anti-inflammatory supplements such as omega-3’s, B Vitamins, and querecitin, which protect against acne flare-ups, encourage moisture absorption and retention, and improve blood circulation.
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If liquid ingestion is your preferred practice for getting your daily dose of vitamins and antioxidants, dermatologist Ariel Ostad, M.D., suggests blending your own natural juices. “Juices are enriched with vitamins as well as antioxidants, which increase blood flow, reduce collagen breakdown, improve collagen deposition and production, and help with increasing the overall cell turnover rate of your skin,” says Ostad, who adds that “fresh juices—especially green leafy vegetables such as celery, cucumber, and lettuce with additions of lemon, ginger, or beets” are best for boosting your health and complexion.
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Applying supplements topically via vitamin- and antioxidant-packed face creams and serums can also be effective. “The concentrated, focused application of antioxidants and other collagen builders on skin cells can yield dramatic beauty benefits,” says dermatologist Dennis Gross, M.D., founder of MD Skincare.

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