Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Heidi Nose Job

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October 07, 2014

Heidi Montag is an American singer and television personality.MTV reality series "The Hills" star has confirmed a series of Plastic surgeries to enhance her Breast and nose.

In an Interview With "US Weekly" She Said "I hated my nose too. I have my dad’s nose, which is huge. It took up so much of my face, when I looked down, I could see my nose. I couldn’t get away from it!” ..... "

“People would say, “You have such a big nose!” And they’d make fun of me for being so flat..."

"I think Lindsay Lohan has a good nose, but I looked at models, mostly. I brought in 400 photos, probably. When I got the splint taken off, I was just like, ‘Thank you!’ I had a lot of extra cartilage, and they shaved it down. I can breathe so much better now. I’m like, Twice as much air! My voice has cleared up too. It used to be higher, and now it’s more my voice. I used to have a crazy sleeping disorder - I woke up for 15 minutes out of every hour - and now I sleep through the night"

Check out these before and after Heidi Montag nose job pics ...

Heidi Nose Job

Heidi Nose Job

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Demi Lovato Nose Job

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October 07, 2014

Demi Lovato is an American actress and singer-songwriter. A solo music artist Demi Lovato's debut album Don't Forget and her second album, Here We Go Again were Very Good.

Demi Lovato Nose Job

Demi Lovato Plastic Surgery

There are rumors about her Nose Job and Breast Implant, Whether you believe it or not, it's up to you.

She is also said to have Nose Job.

I think demi lovato had plastic surgery all over her body to get Logan Henderson from big time rush to date her and have kids with her.
Her nose looks fake and her boobs look fake too and she looks like she had a face lift and tummy tuck!

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Camilla Belle Nose Job

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October 07, 2014

An American actress Camilla Belle Who worked including The Lost World: Jurassic Park, When a Stranger Calls, 10,000 BC, and Push is said that she had gone through Plastic Surgery.

Camilla Belle Nose Job

Did Camilla Belle Had a Nose Job ? Yes !!! Or No !!! Do You See The Difference ? Or Not !!!


%99.99 sure she had surgery. A lot of her flesh are missing including her lower cheeks, and possibly some of her jawbone. But it could just be that as she grew up, her face became more developed, skinnier, for the good. But she does use an amazing amount of amazing makeup skills and it is amazing godly. Surgery or not, she is litttterately the most elite and amazing looking creature - when she is all touched up with makeup :) I love it when she looks so greasy :D

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Paula Jones Nose Job

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October 07, 2014

We All Probably Know About The Paula Jones.She is a former Arkansas state employee who sued President Bill Clinton for sexual harassment.But Don't Know About Her Nose Job.

Paula Jones Nose Job

According to The New York Post and Daily News Paula Jones had a nose job at the Park Avenue office of plastic surgeon Dr. Thomas Loeb.

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Jessica White Nose Job

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October 07, 2014

African-American model plus Actress Jessica White had a Nose Job.She is a great example of good ethnic rhinoplasty.The nose transformed her face, most of the work done was at the tip and she had no bridge before and it was built up.

Jessica White Nose Job

Most of the work done was at the tip and Jessica White had no bridge before and it was built up. Jessica White nose is now longer in her profiles not as flat.she was always pretty, i guess, but the nose transformed her face.

Jessica White Nose Job is a great example of good ethnic rhinoplasty.

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Evolutionary history of Neanderthals and Homo sapiens - Sex and war

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October 07, 2014

In the same issue of Science as Kaplan's review of Sex and War, there is a News/Focus article on the evolutionary history of Neanderthals and Homo sapiens.

The standard view has been that Neanderthals and modern humans shared a common ancestor, most likely in Africa, something less that 500,000 years ago. The population that became the Neanderthals was first to migrate into Europe and western Asia a few hundred thousand years ago, where they lived unmolested until H. Sapiens appeared on the scene about 40,000 years ago. The two species of humans lived side by side for 10,000 years until the Neanderthals were driven into a final refuge -- southern Spain -- where they became extinct. The evidence seems to suggest an unharmonious relationship between Neanderthals and H. Sapiens, an early chapter, perhaps, of sex and war.

Recent fossil finds have complicated the picture. Some anthropologists now believe that two or more hominid species might have lived in Europe and western Asia before H. sapiens came sweeping out of Africa. More sex and war, no doubt, more competition for resources, more chances to practice the fine art of killing. In these earlier hypothesized encounters, Neanderthals came out on top, driving the other populations to extinction, only to be vanquished in turn by our own immediate ancestors.

The image above from Science (credit: Mauricio Anton) reconstructs the species of hominids represented by a trove of half-million-year-old fossils found at Sima de los Huesos in northern Spain. They aren't us, but they aren't all that not-us either. In the drawing, they look rather like they are posing for a group photo at a family reunion. Did they have language? Religion? Did they bury their dead? Did they sing and dance? We have lots left to learn. In any case, once H. sapiens moved into their territory, they were soon gone.

War? Likely. Rape? Mate capture? As far as I know, there is no widely-accepted evidence of interbreeding between H. sapiens and their Euro-Asian predecessors, although the complete sequencing of Neanderthal DNA may yet have more to tell us.

I keep coming back to that haunting drawing of the Sima de los Huesos humans. Modern humans don't have to learn sex and war; it would appear to be in our genes, and probably in their genes too. Learning to love the other is rather more problematic.

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Jack Davison Photography

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October 07, 2014

English photographer Jack Davison travelled across 26 States of America to take very beautiful portraits of people and cities, often in black and white. With an excellent sense of composition and a delicate grain, he adds surrealistic themes by juxtaposing eyes on hands or by erasing faces, in an abstract way. A beautiful work playing on reflections and shadows, to discover.

source: fubiz

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Nose Job Before And After

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October 07, 2014

Nose Job is to reshape the nose. It is a very popular procedure that can make profound differences not only in the balance of facial features, but also in a person’s self-esteem.

Nose Job Before And After
Nose Job / Rhinoplasty can reduce or increase the size of your nose, change the shape of the tip or the bridge, narrow the span of the nostrils, or change the angle between your nose and your upper lip.

It may also correct a birth defect or injury, or help relieve some breathing problems.

A nose job or rhinoplasty is one of the most common but technically most difficult plastic surgery procedures.The plastic surgeon can shorten or prolong the nose, although more often it is a complex surgery that changes nose asymmetry.
Nose Job Before And After
If you are healthy, psychologically stable and realistic in your expectations, you may be a good candidate for a nose job. Nose Job can be performed to meet aesthetic goals or for remodeling purposes to correct birth defects, such as cleft deformities, or breathing problems.

Nose Job is considered the most ancient and most challenging plastic surgery. In well-trained hands it can dramatically improve your looks, add softness and harmony to your face, not mentioning that Nose Job can substantially improve nasal breathing.

There are some risks associated with Nose Job/Surgery that include infection, pooling blood, nasal airway constriction and complications with anesthesia. Other effects, while not common, are asymmetry, scarring, irregularities and nerve damage.

Nose Job Before And After Photos

Nose Job Before And After

Nose Job Before And After

Nose Job Before And After

Nose Job Before And After

Nose Job Before And After

Nose Job Before And After

Nose Job Before And After
Nose Job Before And After

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Brow Lift

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October 07, 2014

As we age, muscles in the brow and forehead area may becomes thinner and less elastic and the structures supporting it to the facial skeleton become weaker and less able to resist the pull of gravity. One of the earliest signs of aging occurs in the forehead and eyebrow area.
Facial ageing is a gradual process causing the appearance of heavy eyelids and looking tired, when in reality one may not be! Female patients find this most troubling, as there is dropping of the eyebrows and wrinkling of the skin (frown lines, crow's feet, horizontal forehead lines, etc).

Drooping of the eyebrows can also lead to excessive eyebrow skin accumulating in the upper eyelid.This is a result of the constant use of the muscles in the forehead for facial expression.

The term "brow lift" is used to surgical procedure that can dramatically improve a tired or sad look above the upper eyelid and eyebrow region. It is a series of procedures that are used to; improve the position and shape of the eye brows, reduce frown lines, crow’s feet and forehead wrinkles. It is an important eyelid surgery that successfully treated the affected areas.

Brow lift surgery can be performed alone or along with a facelift and/or eyelid corrective surgery. The brow lift surgery also plays an important role in eyelid surgery, as the upper eyelids cannot successfully treat until the brow lift has been completed.

Several techniques are used including placing the incisions within the scalp; a patient was literally scalped as an incision was placed from ear to ear to elevate the forehead and brow.

Forehead wrinkling has been a commonly treated aesthetic ailment with the growing use of BOTOX® and other neuromuscular paralyzing agents.

A brow lift is commonly performed on patients in the 40 to 60 range, helping to minimize the visible signs of aging.

Types of Brow Lift:

There are several techniques to lift the brow. These can be non-surgically (such as thermage) or full surgical correction with the coronal brow lift.

1. Endoscopic Brow Lift

Brow lift can also be done with an endoscope using "smallest" enveloping surgery. During this procedure a 1 cm thick contact lens is placed over the eye to protect the eyeball. An incision is placed on the inside of the lower eyelid. Reason to place a thick contact lens is to avoid the risk of any misfortune to the eye. Surgery is then continued over the cheek bone.

The entire cheek mid-face area is then elevated, and reattached to the corner of the eye, onto the bone. As a result of this procedure, the cheek is lifted in a natural form, and the cheek fat filling makes you feel and look young.

This is an outpatient surgery or can be performed in a hospital also. This procedure takes almost 80 to 90 minutes. After the completion of this surgery ice packs placed over the lower eyelids and cheek of the patient. Bruising and swelling can be expected for up to one week.

2. Temporal Brow Lift

Temporal brow lift procedure is for those patients who find wrinkles at the corners of the eye (crow’s feet) as lifting the temporal brow will flatten the wrinkles as the skin and muscle are placed on stretch during the elevation.

In temporal brow lift procedure two incisions are made of approximately 10 millimeters in a horizontal way parallel to and 1 centimeter behind, the hairline in the temple. An incision is carried deep to temporal fascia, a thickened band that separates the muscle in the temple from the skin.

With the help of specially designed instruments the temporal forehead is then elevated. This procedure can be performed in an office or as in outpatient surgery. This surgery will take almost 40 to 45 minutes. Bruising and swelling can lasts only for 3 or 4 days.

3. Internal Brow Lift

This procedure is used to remove the unwanted excessive upper eyelid skin. In this process an incision is made in the upper eyelid. Careful elevation of the upper eyelid muscle allows accessing the tissue underneath the central and temporal eyebrow.

Then it is unnoticeably closed with absorbable surgical seam which dissolve in 3-5 days. This procedure can be performed in the office or as an ambulatory procedure in an outpatient surgical facility, often combined with an upper eyelid Blepharoplasty.

After 30 minutes of surgery ice packs will placed on eyebrows and should expect to have bruising and swelling for 4-6 days.

Brow Lift Procedure

Brow lift are divided into ‘open’ and ‘closed’ types. Each type has specific indications for its use and many variations on how they should be performed have been described. A less common indication is in the treatment of an excessively long appearing forehead due to a high hairline. The internal steps are essentially the same regardless of the type of operation selected, open or closed.

Closed, or endoscopic, brow lifting uses telescopes to access the forehead from small incisions in the scalp. It is best for those people who have a normal (or short) forehead length and for males with a family history of male pattern baldness. Minimal to no scalp tissue is removed.

In an open type or traditional, brow lifting uses a longer cut in the scalp or at the hairline and removes some scalp or forehead tissue. It is particularly good for patients with "high" foreheads.

Brow Lift Recovery

Most of the patients can go home on the same day of the surgery and for the next 4 to 72 hours you do as little work as possible. Here are some Do’s and Don’ts:

• Apply the cooling packs on a regular basis during this time.
• Keep your head elevated and not to lay flat.
• Avoid reading and watching TV during this period, as there is a degree of visual blurring.
• Do not perform the activity that raises your blood pressure or pulse at least for 72 hours.

Your stitches will be removed after 7 to 10 days. Most of the people apply a little make up to disguise any residual bruising which may be present.

Brow Lift Complications

• Bleeding usually occurs within the first 24-48 hours of the procedure and may require a return to the   operating room.
• Infection surgical incisions, even though created in ideal circumstances, can become infected.When appropriate, antibiotics will be prescribed to lower this risk.
• Hair loss there can be a degree of hair loss around the incisions. Although usually transient, it can be permanent.
• Numbness of the scalp this is more likely to occur with behind the incisions. This is more likely with the open procedure.
• Prolonged swelling.
• Asymmetry or unevenness

Brow Lift Cost

As a guideline brow lifts are priced from $11,000 but the cost can vary according to the patients and their problems like the types of the procedure used, the complexity of their case and medical history.

Brow Lift Before And After

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Apple Patents Flexible Display Input Methods

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October 07, 2014

Apple has patented a way for a computing device to pick up input when a flexible display is bent or reshaped in some way, according to a new filing published by the USPTO today (via AppleInsider). The patent details a process by which new flexible displays can receive input triggers via bending, allowing it to send an MMS message specifically upon receiving a bending cue.

The system details other kinds of triggers, too, including resizing and reconfiguring the display of the device to fit the new proportions of the system after its bending. The patent also talks about pairing multiple flexible displays, storing them in containers including tubes, and using them in combination with GPS triggers to activate location-based advertisements.

The technology sounds like it could be used to create digital magazines and periodicals, and in fact the patent refers to it repeatedly as a “digital periodical” and even specifically as an “advertising device.” The patent originally belonged to a company called HJ Laboratories, however, and Apple seems to have acquired its IP before the company dissolved, as both inventors listed have now moved on to separate positions over the past few years, not at Apple.

Apple’s acquisition of this patent might mean it’s looking at ways to shore up its own flexible display research and development efforts, or that it’s just hedging its bets against future developments. Either way, we’ll probably see something a little more sophisticated should Apple enter the flexible display device market.


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jennifer Lawrence speaks out for the first time about nude photo leak to Vanity Fair

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October 07, 2014

Well Vanity Fair has scored a big coup: they've got Jennifer Lawrence on the cover of the November issue of the magazine, giving her first statement since her nude photos were stolen from her.

As the magazine proudly touts in a preview of the issue, which is out on Wednesday, though writer Sam Kashner interviewed Lawrence before the photos were put on the internet, he called her later in the hopes that she'd comment further, outside of the statement her lawyer made.

...Kashner followed up with Lawrence's team in hopes of giving the actress "a chance to have the last word.""I could just sense after having spent a little time with her that she would come out swinging," Kashner tells VF.com.

In the piece, Lawrence said she considered releasing a statement, some sort of apology, when she found out about the photos getting out, but realized "I don't have anything to say I'm sorry for. I was in a loving, healthy, great relationship for four years. It was long distance, and either your boyfriend is going to look at porn or he's going to look at you."

"Just because I'm a public figure, just because I'm an actress, does not mean that I asked for this," she says. "It does not mean that it comes with the territory. It's my body, and it should be my choice, and the fact that it is not my choice is absolutely disgusting. I can't believe that we even live in that kind of world."

Additionally, she specifically addresses the legality of sites like Reddit, etc. that allowed the photos to be posted in the first place. (Fun fact: Reddit was once owned by Condé Nast's parent company Advance Publications and Advance is still a major shareholder in Reddit. As Reddit describes it, they are a "part-sibling-once-removed" of Condé Nast.):

"It is not a scandal. It is a sex crime," she tells Kashner. "It is a sexual violation. It's disgusting. The law needs to be changed, and we need to change. That's why these Web sites are responsible. Just the fact that somebody can be sexually exploited and violated, and the first thought that crosses somebody's mind is to make a profit from it. It's so beyond me. I just can't imagine being that detached from humanity. I can't imagine being that thoughtless and careless and so empty inside."

As well as pointedly calling out the many people – including people she is close to – who didn't leak them but still looked at them:

"Anybody who looked at those pictures, you're perpetuating a sexual offense. You should cower with shame. Even people who I know and love say, 'Oh, yeah, I looked at the pictures.' I don't want to get mad, but at the same time I'm thinking, I didn't tell you that you could look at my naked body."

source: jezebel

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