Monday, June 9, 2014

Italy surrenders to the art of Frida Kahlo in a major retrospective held in Rome

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June 09, 2014

"Self Portrait with Thorn Necklace" painted in the '40s and provided by the University of Texas. Photo: CONACULTA
Mexico City, June 9 (HOWEVER) -. The magna sample of Mexican painter Frida Kahlo in Rome is causing a real furor. There are already 175 thousand people visited the exhibition consists of 160 pieces of disputed authorship such as perennial artist.

This is the largest retrospective of Mexican painter in the Italian capital, with works like "Self Portrait with Velvet Dress" and takes place in The Scuderie del Quirinale in Rome, where he opened last March 18.

The "fever Frida" in Europe has also nest in Berlin where Gisèle Freund presents a series specifically devoted to Kahlo and her husband Diego Rivera, whom the German photographer was very friendly.

The exhibition "Gisèle Freund: photographic portraits and scenes" (May 23 to August 10 at the Academy of Arts Berlin) collects first Freund 280 photos digitally restored with its original color processed.

Freund (1908-2000) portrayed color and almost always in the privacy of their homes to writers, artists and philosophers such as James Joyce, Virginia Woolf and Simone de Beauvoir, in addition to Kahlo and Rivera, with whom he maintained a close friendship, dpa reported.


Unwittingly, both samples make up a different profile than usual Frida Kahlo in the Old Continent, and took the female prisoner cliché lifelong suffering and unfortunate protagonist of a life full of obstacles, to make it known in all its glory, both artistic personally.

"Diego in my thoughts." Photo: CONACULTA
A trend that according to historian Victor Garcia Diaz Arciniega was taking shape in recent years. "The plastic qualities of his work have been imposed and recognized as exemplary by the sincerity of the aesthetic search and expressive vitality of his subjects, without this being a biography marked by pain and lust for life is obviated" he wrote in his text "Frida Kahlo, die to live" read during Fridianas Conference in 2007. 

It is precisely what highlights Italian media referring to the exhibition of Mexican Quirinale, where the curator Helga Prignitz Pruning boasts of making public view the artwork from the most important public and private collections in Mexico, Europe and the United States account for a vital and dedicated artist. There are over 40 portraits and self-portraits, including the famous "Self Portrait with Thorn Necklace" painted in the '40s and provided by the University of Texas.

"Self Portrait with Monkeys", "Diego on my mind", "bed", "Landscape", "The cup", "Two self-portraits", "Pancho Villa" and "La Adelita", among many others, are not only a mirror their experiences marked by the terrible accident he suffered at age 17, but also reflect the social and cultural transformation that brought the Mexican Revolution. 

Frida Kahlo retratada by Gisèle Freund. Photo: Special
"Close to his death, the emphasis of their evaluation focused almost exclusively on the heroic, moral and ideological features of Frida; his biography and all his marriage to Diego Rivera had features of myth. Over time and despite the burden of multiple adhesions, as some purists claim-the pictorial work of our artist has been showing the essential vitality of authentic aesthetic research that originates and characterized, "wrote Victor Garcia Diaz Arciniega. 

In Rome, a city full of museums with works by famous artists, Frida Kahlo makes history by becoming the only Latin American artist capable of causing much interest among the Italian public. 


As part of the exhibition which runs until next August 31, the area of ​​Museum Education Service conducts the Art Laboratory Project in which children participate in the recreation of the everyday world with which the painter had contact.

Kids get close to Frida Kahlo. Photo: CONACULTA
The workshops are held at the Azienda Speciale Palexpo Exhibition Palace of the Museum of Scuderie The Quirinale, by art teacher Chiara Bandi. 

"It encourages younger children to create the huipil. As jices tailors armed with small, children and children emphasize on the textures and weave garments carrying former and current meanings, "she said in an interview with the press department of CONACULTA. 

"The older children work with larger colored fabrics, ribbons, lace and long skirts rustling. Following the images of Frida, the "amazing clothes" worn by the artist reinterpreted. Clothing, accessories, jewelry and hairstyles that do not have a goal of complacency for her, but they represent a deep bond between the artist and the Mexican tradition and culture, "he remarked.


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Why Do Tribes Have Matrilineal Societies?

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June 09, 2014

Women have always played a significant role in the existence and administrations of tribal nations. They have been instrumental due to their innate ability to reason and dispense wisdom. They also were characterized as wise because they originated the teachings for the children. The men were allowed to articulate, enforce and deliver these teachings, but it was the women who monitored and allowed them to speak. They were the faith keepers and, for Eastern tribes, the originators of the Longhouse system of government, whereby they designated who amongst the men was to articulate the laws.

As a Lakota, I experienced matrilineal authority early on. My mother ran everything. She paid the bills, bought the groceries, and decided when and where we would go. She settled all arguments and her word was law in our family. I don?t know if that qualifies as having matrilineal authority, but she clearly possessed it. My grandmother was also the same way. She took no guff, and you had better not roll your eyes at her either. She was strict but fair in all her decisions. She could swing a mean ax when it came to chopping wood too. All the women that I came in contact with as a young man were strong women. They had to be, because they were experiencing tough times.

Today's Indian women are no different. They have to face some of the same challenges, only in a different time. Today, we have different issues and concerns, but, our women still have the majority vote when it comes to making the important decisions. What impresses me these days is how educated they are and how willing they are to take the lead when it comes to the welfare of their people.

Matrilineal societies existed amongst the Eastern tribes for sure, but they also existed in other tribes, like the plains tribes, but the women were behind the scenes. They made the decisions, but allowed the men to articulate them—how smart was that?

We have always had deep respect and love for our women, for the unique Creator-given ability to procreate and a host of other reasons. Modern times, assimilation and the cultural and lifestyle changes we have gone through as a people, have somewhat clouded the standing and reverence we once had for our women, and that is not a good thing. My only hope is that the new generations will come to the realization that our women—our mothers, and our grandmas—are the ultimate reason we are still here, and a viable people, today.


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Beautiful Photo Narratives Produced with the Wet Collodion Process

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June 09, 2014

Self-taught photographer Alex Timmermans has been practicing photography his entire life. Over the course of his career, tons of digital equipment has become readily available. However, the artist finds that he prefers working in traditional photographic techniques—particularly the wet collodion process. Through this approach to photography, Timmermans produces portraits and fine art photographs filled with strange and surreal elements that suggest a variety of interesting narratives.

The Dutch photographer enjoys the very traditional and purposeful approach to photography. It can take a full hour to produce a single composition and there are many uncontrollable elements, including slight differences in chemicals or changing weather, that can result in unexpected surprises. "Seeing a picture changing in the fixer bath—from a negative to a positive—is a magic spectacle which makes it worthwhile to spend so much time and energy on it," explains Timmermans.

source: mymodernmet

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Sunday, June 8, 2014

Life After Almost 90 Years of Death

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June 08, 2014

Moscow, Russia – “Exhumation of the body of Hambo Lama Itigelov took place September 10th, 2002 on the territory of cemetery near the city of Ulan Ude (Russian Federation). He died and was buried in 1927 and the exhumation was performed in presence of relatives, officials, and specialists.”

This was the information that appeared in Russian mass media regarding Buryat Lama who was exhumed from the grave in the beginning of the 21 st century. The grave contained a wooden box and there was a sitting Buddhist lama in ‘lotus’ pose. His body was preserved as if it was mummified, however it was not. Soft muscles and skin, folding joints. The body was covered with silk clothes and fabric.

Hambo Lama Itigelov is a real person quite well known in Russian history. He studied in Anninsky Datsan (Buddhist university in Buryatia, nowadays there are ruins only) and obtained degrees in medicine and philosophy (on the nature of emptiness), he created an encyclopedia of pharmacology.

In 1911 Itigelov became a Hambo Lama (the head of Buddhist church in Russia). During the period from 1913 till 1917 he participated in social actions of the Tsar, being invited to 300-year anniversary of Romanov’s house, opened the first Buddhist temple in St. Petersburg, and Nikolai II gave him St. Stanislav award on 19 th of March, 1917.

During the First World War Itigelov created and inspired the organization called “Buryat brothers”. He was helping the army with money, meals, clothes, medicaments, he also built a set of hospitals with lama doctors helping wounded soldiers. For that he got St. Anna award and others.

In 1926 Itigelov advised the Buddhist monks to leave Russia, since ‘the red teaching was coming’ (Itigelov himself never left Russia). In 1927, being 75, he told lamas to begin meditation, since he said he was preparing to die. Lamas did not want to perform this meditation because Itigelov was still alive. Thus, Itigelov began to meditate by himself, lamas joined him and soon he died.

Ititgelov left a testament where he asked to bury him as he was, sitting in lotus pose in the cedar box on traditional cemetery. It was done. There was also a statement, where he asked other monks to exhume him after several years. (This is the exciting point – this means he knew that his body would be preserved). This was done in 1955 and in 1973 by Buddhist monks but they were scared to tell everybody about this, since communist regime did not leave any space for religion in society. Only in 2002 the body was finally exhumed and transferred to Ivolginsky Datsan (a residence of today’s Hambo Lama) where it was closely examined by monks and, which is now more important, by scientists and pathologists. The official statement was issued about the body – very well preserved, without any signs of decay, whole muscles and inner tissue, soft joints and skin. The interesting thing is that the body was never embalmed or mummified.

Two years passed. Itigelov’s body is now kept open air, in contact with other people, without any temperature or humidity regimes. How Itigelov keeps this condition, nobody knows.

This is the ONLY KNOWN AND CONFIRMED CASE OF IMPERISHABLE BODY throughout the whole world. Embalming and mummifying is well known among different nations and peoples – Chili (Chinchora), Egypt mummies, Christian Saints, communist leaders and others. Some bodies were found in permafrost, however when they contacted with oxygen atmosphere they perished within several hours.

However, there are descriptions of such things in Buddhist texts, but there are no confirmed examples. Well, now there is.

For two years after the exhumation of Itigilov’s body it does not perish nor decay, no fungus, no negative things happen to it. Itigelov said before he died that he left a message to all peoples on Earth. This message contains no words. Now it is our turn to understand it.

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Friday, June 6, 2014

Dark Armpits Treatment and Causes

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June 06, 2014

Some of us are embarrassed by our dark armpits and avoid wearing sleeveless clothes or bathing suits. Darkening skin patches under your arms happens in both men and women, however it’s more common in women with darker skin. Many have tried various “dark armpits treatments” such as creams and gels, but haven’t seen the changes they’ve expected. Dark armpits are caused by hyperpigmentation in the underarm area and many times is caused by changes in hormonal levels and specially during pregnancy. Here is a list of things you should not be doing then a list of some remedies to help you get rid of them:


1. Shaving – Stop using razors to shave your underarms as when you do it cuts the hair just below the surface of the skin which looks like stubble. Hair removal creams do the same which makes the underarms look darker. Try waxing as it removes the hair from the root itself. For waxing you can try BODY SUGARING, which is an ancient hair removal technique that works very good.

2. Too much deodorant – Some theories suggest that strong deodorants make your armpits look darker. Use natural methods to deodorize yourself.

3. Skin friction – Clothes that are tight and harsh on your skin may also cause darkening of your underarms.

4. Dead cells – One cause of dark armpits can be dead cells. Exfoliate gently or scrub with lactic acid to avoid them.

5. Bacteria – As many as 18 different types of bacteria live on different parts of our skin. The most common bacterium that lives in armpits is called Corynebacterium minutissimum. When we sweat, the underarm environment changes and becomes more friendly for the growth of bacteria, which may eventually cause the bad smell and darkening of this area. To avoid this, you should shower more often.

Natural ways to get rid of dark armpits:

1. Coconut Oil Coconut oil contains vitamin E which plays an important role in lightening dark underarms. Apply some coconut oil to your armpits before bathing and massage for 10-15 minutes, then wash off with mild soap and lukewarm water. Follow the process daily and you will gain fair underarms over time. Additionally coconut oil works as a natural deodorant.

2. Lemon Juice Rubbing your underarms with lemon juice is one of the most effective ways to lighten your underarms as lemon has natural bleaching properties. Apply some before your bathing then wash it off. Apply moisturizer to soften your skin and don’t use deodorant for a few days.

3. Baking Soda To treat dark underarms you can make a paste by using baking soda, add some water so that it becomes a paste and scrub your underarms with it. This will remove the dead cells responsible for dark underarms and open your pores. In an emergency you can wash your underarms with water and apply baking powder to reduce the dark appearance. Try this on regular basis and feel the difference.

4. Papaya Papayas contain enzymes that are great at cleaning skin. You can apply some shredded papaya to your underarms and let it dry, then wash off with water. Use papaya that is not too ripe.

5. Potato Potatoes also have bleaching properties and can be used to lighten dark armpits. Slice a potato and rub your underarms with them. Alternatively you can rub potato juice on your underarms and leave it for 15 minutes to dry, then wash off and you will see results in just a few days.

6. Gram flour and Yogurt You can mix gram flour, lemon juice, yogurt, and a pinch of turmeric powder to make a paste. Yogurt has properties that can help lighten your skin and is great for your face too!. Apply the paste to your underarms and leave for 20 minutes and wash with lukewarm water. Follow the process at least 3 times a week for best results.

7. Saffron This dark armpits treatment sounds a bit expensive, but saffron works well to lighten the underarms. Mix a pinch or two of saffron in milk or cream and apply the mixture to your underarms before going to sleep at night. Leave it overnight then wash off the next morning. This will lighten your armpits and kill harmful bacteria that cause bad odor.

source: positivemed

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List of Documentaries About Photography

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June 06, 2014

Want to watch a non-fiction film about photography? Here’s a list of documentaries (and some other stuff) concerning photography that I’ve collected over the years.



Films By Photogs



  • Bring Your Own Doc: A conversation with director Jeff Malmberg about Marwencol –YouTube
  • Getty Images Grants for Editorial Photography 2012 – YouTube
  • Henri Cartier-Bresson Interviewed by Charlie Rose – YouTube
  • Inside Media: The President's Photographer – YouTube
  • James Nares – STREET – Lecture – Vimeo
  • Joel Meyerowitz 1981 Street Photography Program – YouTube
  • Magnum Photos – Earthlings by Richard Kalvar – YouTube
  • Magnum Photos – Personal Best by Elliott Erwitt – YouTube
  • ‪Mark Feeney: "Four Photographers on Three Wheels: William Eggleston's Tricycle and Before"‬ – YouTube
  • Peter Fraser 2011 talk on his work and workshop assignment – Vimeo
  • Sarah Moon is a Master of Photography (from Contacts) – YouTube

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Thursday, June 5, 2014

Kevin Bubriski Nepal 1975 – 2011

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June 05, 2014

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Coca-Cola Invents 16 Crazy Caps to Turn Empty Bottles Into Useful Objects

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June 05, 2014

Rejoice, happy-go-lucky and environmentally conscious Coca-Cola lovers. Thanks to this new "2nd Lives" kit from the brand, you can now transform your Coke into something even more delightful. Is that just an empty soda bottle? Nope, it's a squirt gun. Useless piece of trash? Nope, it's a pencil sharpener, or the perfect rattle for your baby. Make your children happy. Give them Coca-Cola, and toys made from Coca-Cola. And if you have two empty Coke bottles, you can even make a dumbbell to burn off some of the calories you gained by guzzling both.

Created with the help of Ogilvy & Mather China, the campaign features a line of 16 innovative caps that can be screwed on to bottles when they're empty, transforming them into useful objects like water guns, whistles, paint brushes, bubble makers and pencil sharpeners. It's all part of a clever effort to encourage consumers in Vietnam to recycle, and a rare success at the sort of alchemy that seeks to reincarnate garbage as advertising (even if such attempts are a cornerstone of the marketing industry). Coke will give away 40,000 of these modified caps, which come in 16 different varieties, to start.

It's not clear if the add-ons themselves are made from recycled material. Even if they are, producing more plastic parts might not be the best way to reduce plastic waste.

But that's beside the point. While the caps might not quite hit the sharing chord as clearly as the it-takes-two-to-open bottles, they're a smart bit of advertising. "What if empty Coke bottles were never thrown away?" the campaign asks. Clearly, it would mean people everywhere could finally live in a utopia where everything was made of Coke products.


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Qatar World Cup 2022

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June 05, 2014

The price of Qatar 2022 world cup, counted in the lives lost while constructing stadiums, hotel's etc.

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Kendall Jenner Goes Topless

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June 05, 2014

Kendall Jenner is having the best year ever. From her New York Fashion Week catwalk debut to her Vogue shoot and new book release (with sister Kylie Jenner), the 18-year-old is constantly making headlines. And she just nabbed another big magazine spread. Jenner poses sans top (and sans nearly everything else) in the new issue of Interview.

“To be honest, this is exactly what I wanted to be,” the 18-year-old star, who covers her chest and dons a sleek cat eye in the provocative new shoot, says of her modeling career. “I was always looking up to supermodels. They were, like, my superheroes.”

Jenner explains that her determination and work ethic stem from the constant support of her parents, Bruce and Kris Jenner.

“My dad is my everything. He always had the craziest speeches for Kylie and me growing up, good words to live by,” she shared, adding, “My parents brought up Kylie and me to be workaholics. That’s something I really appreciate.”

The newbie model also reveals that she picked up some serious high jump skills from her Olympian dad. “I don’t really remember, but my friend just showed me this video of when I was on the track team. I got the school record for high jump. My dad was so proud of me.” (With her lean legs and athletic body type, we’d totally peg Jenner as a track star.)


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Remote Tribes Before They Disappear

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June 05, 2014

It took over four years for photographer Jimmy Nelson to document 29 cultures and tribes at risk of disappearing from their remote corners of the world. He set out to “celebrate the beauty of these cultures and their traditional ways of life” and beautifully captured his subjects.

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